Saturday, May 14, 2011

There's Always Hope

In spite of a late start we made good time along Interstate 5 from Beaverton.

Seattle's notorius interstate traffic jams have improved but not much.  We passed downtown around noon in heavy traffic. North of the city 'heavy' became stop and go.

We took advantage of the slow-down to snap a few pictures of the Emerald City skyline then hopped into the HOV (car pool) lane and were out of the mess in mere minutes.

About 3 hours later we rolled into Sumas and queued up to cross into Canada.

As a former U.S. Customs Inspector, Dad knew that the best way to avoid a lengthy inspection was to be forthcoming and completely honest duing the interview with Border Services Officer.  Dad should have also know what the non-resident limit for alcoholic beverages was.  As one who enjoys an evening martini, and/or wine with dinner, Dad packed the View with supplies sufficient for a four week trip, neglecting to consider he was going into a foreign country along the way.

The interview went something like "And are you carrying any firearms? No ma'm.  Any mace or pepper spray?  Yes ma'm, We have two canisters of Counter Assault bear spray properly labeled as such.  And any alcohol?  Well, we have a bit less than yesterday so I'd say about 4 liters of gin, 2 of whiskey, a case of beer and 5 or 6 bottles of wine."

"Sir, did you know the import limit for non-residents is 1.14 liters of spirits and 1.4 of wine OR 24 cans or bottles of beer?  No ma'm, I should have though.  And I would certainly toss it if you so require.

She let us proceed with a stern warning not to forget that limit on the return trip.

We stopped in Hope, BC for the night, and 'Hope- fully' we'll be on our way bright and early tomorrow!  (Sorry couldn't resist)

1 comment:

  1. What a cool trip you guys are having. I'm so jealous! Keep posting so we can have a little vicarious thrill here....
